I’m Kendra Ivie and welcome to my quilting nook. As a mom of four, I know the time is a precious commodity—especially in our go-go world! Delilah (my long-arm) and I are happy to help you finish your projects so you can invest your time elsewhere. On top of my kiddos, who may make an appearance from time to time, I have a farm that keeps me busy. On occasion a barnyard critter maybe heard or seen along with my Australian Sheppard Iris. As if I didn’t have enough going on I create YouTube tutorials and lives about my quilting journey. Are you sensing some of my self-made chaos yet? Maybe you’re waiting for something creative? Well then check out my store where I list new patterns, Longarm pantographs, finished products, and quilting themed merchandise. If you thrive on a little carefree creative chaos and especially if you want to enjoy making more quilts you’ve found the right place. Let’s get Stitching!

Just a few of my favorite things
Color – Teal
Food – Steak and Chinese
Holiday – Halloween
Animal – Llama
Season – Sweater Weather
Drink – Sweet Tea
Music – 90’s Country
Candy – Sour Patch Kids & Chocolate Caramels
Snacks – Popcorn and Carrots

Pictures of my life, family, and me